Dr., Apostle Deborah is the founder of Divine Appointment Deliverance & Healing International Ministries (D.A.D.H.I.M) in Alhambra, CA. Apostle Fowler is the proud mother of two children.
Dr. Fowler’s spiritual mother Apostle Gloria Villeda of Rivers of Living Water Ministry mentored, consecrated and positioned her in ministry in 1997. Dr. Fowler later attended Lifeline International School of Ministry founded by Dr. Vernon Falls.
In 1997, Dr. Fowler began the work of Elijah’s Brook working with men and women of God that have been hurt or are struggling in ministry. To help them realign themselves with their call to Kingdom leadership. Dr. Fowler was ordained for ministry in 1997 and quickly elevated to bishop in 2008. She uses her experience to assist those called to the elite in the Kingdom to provide support and mentorship. God charged Dr. Fowler to minister healing, deliverance and to equip, edify, and restore them to their rightful place in the work of the Kingdom of God.
Having formally established Divine Appointment Deliverance and Healing International Ministries (D.A.D.H.I.M) in 2007, Dr. Fowler is acquainted with the difficulties of establishing and sustaining a Kingdom ministry with minimal support. As a result of the adversity she experienced striving to expand the ministry, Dr. Fowler vowed that those she encountered, would have access to the support and knowledge she has developed over the years to be successful in ministry and business. Dr. Fowler operates in each of the fivefold ministry gifts and holds her seal of Apostleship according to the word of God and all that he has ordained her to build.
Dr. Fowler stands 1 Corinthians 9:2 and understands that only those with a Kingdom mandate will partner with Elijah’s Brook.
In 2003 she was ordained as House Prophetess and Elder by Apostle Dorothy A. Evans, of Refuge Christian Center in Pasadena, CA, later in 2004 Prophetess Fowler was ordained as Prophetess and Pastor under God’s Helping Hands Ministries under the leadership of Bishop Henrietta Jones.
In 2007, she birthed the church, Divine Appointment Deliverance and Healing International Ministries in Alhambra, CA and in 2008, Pastor Fowler was installed as Bishop under BAPPs Ambassador In Christ, Inc. Ministries, under Prophet Joseph Hargo the Presiding Prelate. She was also installed as Bishop and successor to God’s Helping Hands Ministries under the leadership of Bishop Henrietta Jones.
God continued to honor and elevate Bishop Fowler in 2009 and confirmed her as Apostle by Apostle Michelle Dixon of Rivers of Life, International Ministries Inc, and later re-confirmed by Prophet Charles Martinez of Thunder Heart Ministries and has served as a spiritual mentor for many years. In addition to the other spiritual mentors Dr. Fowler has been blessed to have Prophet Rogers Decuir of Prayer and Share Ministries as a spiritual father to help guide her through ministry for many years.
Dr. Fowler’s commitment to helping those in need expanded beyond the four walls of the church in 2010. Bishop launched Bridge of Hope Community Centers Inc. which serves as the programmatic arm of D.A.D.H.I.M. Bridge of Hope Programs were designed to enable individuals to achieve their God given potential in life. This work which is the heart of God is charged to change a community one heartbeat at a time by guiding its participants from obscurity to prosperity, helping them secure education and economic self-sufficiency through programs, information and access to resources.
Dr. Fowler recently launched the Brianna Rose Institute. The newly launched institute’s mission is to bring not just wellness but healing and wholeness to the entire person. This institute works with individuals suffering from various forms of Generational Trauma, Urban Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) through faith therapy and a decidedly biblical perspective.

Elijah’s Brook is a firm that offers counseling, training and development for men and women of God in leadership. In the secular world you see Executives and professionals hire executive coaches to help navigate their careers. Elijah’s Brook provides similar services focused on helping men and women of God reach Kingdom potential in their walk.
Statistics show that men and women of God are leaving ministry at an alarming rate due to burnout, falling in transgression and lack of support. Elijah’s Brook was created to provide support to those in ministry and building ministry.
There are very few places that offer a trustworthy environment for leaders to get support, counseling, healing and deliverance and restoration to their ordained place in the Kingdom. Elijah’s Brook offers that environment to foster a recommittment to their covenant with God.